Battle Beasts created in 1986 by Takara of Japan as a Transformers spinoff then brought to America by Hasbro in 1987. Each Battle Beast had a heat sensitive sticker on its chest which, when rubbed would reveal the warrior's strength. The symbols would represent either fire, wood or water and could be used in a rock, paper, scissors type game- fire beat wood, wood beat water, water beat fire. This auction is for: Danger Dog #21 Original Action Figure in great condition as shown with heat sensitive sticker/ rub. Please check pictures in detail and ask any questions prior to bidding. Shipping within United States only and in bubble wrap envelope. I am a fellow collector so you can rest assured that I'll package them so they arrive in the same condition they are sent, most times with extra bubble wrap. - - - This item is from a large collectibles estate sale from a smoke-free home. Please check out my other items by clicking "See other items" under my Seller information at the right of the listing. Thank you!